The Majestic Revolution

Awakening believers to their identity in Christ

Our Mission

Equipping pastors and leaders with Kingdom solutions that transform people into world changers for Christ

Majestic 4 Missions is a global outreach movement that began from a
tenacious heart to help and reach people for Christ. As the struggles and
needs of pastors, leaders, and their congregations were evident, four women
who love God and people responded to the call. They committed to helping
people with equipping the saints that has become a movement of Holy Spirit
fire. The ministry team seeks God to change the world and is driven by 4
solid pillars centered on Education, Empowerment, Kingdom Living, and
Kingdom Expansion.

Featured News & Events

Upcoming Mission Opportunities

We have mission opportunities you may be a part of. We organize and put together Healing, Prophetic, Kingdom living, Evangelistic conferences and develop Special Projects to help sustain communities in different parts of the world to make an impact and wins souls for…

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Our Four Pillars

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We are called to make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19

We worship the Father in Spirit and truth.
John 4:23-24

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Truth leads to freedom.
John 8:32

Empowered to love, to forgive, and to live an abundant life.
Matthew 22:37-39; Ephesians 4:32; John 10:10

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Kingdom Living

An adventure in faith through the practice of choosing life and not death.
2 Timothy 4:7; Deuteronomy 30:19

The powerful accomplishments of Christ.
“Death swallowed by triumphant Life!”
1 Corinthians 15:55 (MSG)

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Kingdom Expansion

All authority has been given to Christ in heaven and on earth. We build soldiers for Christ, equip them, and send them out.
Joshua 1:9; 1 Timothy 1:18; Romans 8:37; Matthew 28:18-20

Where We Serve

To empower leaders with resources and bridge the gap for kingdom living

(Ex 17:12; Eph 4:2-6; 2 Kings 4:1-7; 1 Thess 4:1)

Our first mission trip occurred in April 2018 to Tecuala with Pastors Raul and Elvia. Team member Laura Jordan is from Tecuala and has established relations with these Pastors. It is the seeds that Laura has sown in her hometown for over 30 years that we all began to water as Majestic 4 Missions. God planted Africa in the heart of team member Lissa Zappardino as a young woman. In June 2017, Lissa began ministerial relations with Bishop Fredrick of Kitale, Kenya, added to the ministry map of M4M at its conception in 2018.

Tecuala, Nayarit, México

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México

Arroyo Grande, Durango, México

Tuxpan, Nayarit, México

Tongaren, Kitale, Kenya

San Jose, Costa Rica

How We Serve

To build fellowship, community and sustainability

Our Ministries

Our ministry centers on pastoral leadership support. We began in Tecuala with one location, equipping leaders to build Holy Spirit-led congregations that operate in power and the agape love of God. We came to heal the sick, set the captives free, teach kingdom thinking, and impart the gifts of the Spirit. Our Mexico ministry has grown to include 14+ pastors in five areas across Mexico. New invitations have been made to M4M to expand to other locations in Mexico. When this happens we prayerfully consider the request for God’s leading. In 2023, Costa Rica is now a new location to M4M in which the team will be ministering and serving.
Pastoral Leadership

Every day churches shut down because pastors feel alienated. They lack support, the proper tools, and the resources to lead people from poverty, oppression, and hopelessness to an identity in Christ and Kingdom Living. Pastoral Leadership is the pinnacle of our ministry, working with pastors, leaders, and their flocks.

We support pastors and their congregations through encouragement, spiritual growth, leadership development, business solutions, sustainability, and accountability. Churches that unify in love and truth by the power of the Holy Spirit create community influencers for righteousness, hope, and abundant living. 
Children’s Bible Discovery
We believe in teaching children about Jesus and His perfect love for them. Children can learn to hear God and move in His power from a young age. Their faith and purity move the mountains of addiction, dysfunction, sickness, disease, and poverty. Yes, Jesus Christ has plans to prosper them, giving them a future.
Marriage Ministry
Marriages and families struggle to overcome relational, spiritual, and financial issues. Successful marriages require Christ at the helm and practical tools. A healthy family begins with a healthy marriage. The bulk of the battle, though, is in the realm of the Spirit. Majestic 4 Missions loves to cater to marriages!
Special Projects

In addition to our four pillars of Education, Empowerment, Kingdom Living, and Kingdom Expansion, we tackle needs in the mission field with a hands-on approach. For example, missionaries partner with churches and their families through our Special Projects Ministry to build, repair, and furnish supplies through our Special Projects Ministry to build, repair, and furnish supplies for familial and business needs. In addition, we provide financial support when natural disasters take place or emergencies arise. We believe the entire church family is affected when congregants cannot meet basic needs.

Donations & Partnership

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be

Matthew 6:21 (NLT)

Your donations are greatly appreciated. Majestic 4 Missions is a volunteer run organization. All donations go directly to the work of the ministry—supporting pastors, building disciples for Christ, sending teams out, meeting needs, and transforming people to transform communities.

Partnering With Us

Majestic 4 Missions is a growing family. Everyone has something they can contribute to strengthening the team and ministry programs. Contributions include leadership, knowledge, expertise, experience, connections, fundraising, grant writing, social media management, dedication, and financial support. Join M4M in developing missions across the world! The demand is great, and many hands are needed. There are countless ways to get involved today.

Join Our Newsletter

Once a month, you will receive a ministry update via email. Additional emails may include prayer requests and special event notifications. Sign up for our text blasts too!
